3 Reasons to Care About Video in Digital Marketing

3 Reasons Why You Should Care About Video in Digital Marketing

You’ve likely heard the news, read an article or have even seen PSM talk about it on our blog: Video is king for digital marketing! But as a firm, hearing “you must use video” can be annoying and frustrating. Why should you use video and what benefit will it have? These are valid questions. After all, you craft your digital strategy around your values, goals and the clients you want to attract. While it’s likely that video is not ideal for every firm, it is an excellent tool for many firms. If your firm is considering video but remains on the fence, then this blog is for you! We outline three specific reasons why you should care about video in digital marketing, both for social media and your website.

1. Video content receives more engagement across all digital platforms– including email, social and website– than even an eye-catching image.

When thinking about digital strategy, integration is critical, and available tools need to be leveraged. It makes sense, then, that a resource that can boost engagement across your digital strategy channels should be a high priority! Furthermore, data doesn’t lie. In looking at conversation rates, engagement, and growth of video as a marketing tool, video content consistently ranks as one of the main factors in conversion rates. Take a look at these numbers:

  • Up to 70% of consumers say that they have shared a brand’s video. (Wyzowl)
  • 72% of businesses say video has improved their conversion rate (that is visitors or viewers to clients) (Wyzowl)
  • 65% of executives visit the marketer’s website and 39% call a vendor after viewing a video. (Forbes)

2. Passive, static, text-heavy social media is extinct.

Social media factors significantly in digital strategy, and it usually forms the foundation for a firm’s marketing efforts. Thus, it’s important to understand that viewers and possible clients want to interact with social content. A video is one of the easiest ways to do that. Simply put, social media is becoming more interactive – after all, engagement usually becomes conversions to website visits and new clients. When making a choice or looking for a specific solution, a potential client is more likely to be drawn to engaging, visually appealing content. Think about it: What would you choose? A video of a savvy lawyer or financial advisor answering questions about problems you need to be solved, or a long text heavy post with no photo? Exactly! Furthermore, a single video has an amount of longevity that simple text doesn’t have and can be used as the foundation for additional social posts, blogs, or even live discussions.

3. Video gives the viewer and possible client the ability to connect with you and your brand in a more personal way.

We’ve mentioned this before, but consumers are a risk-averse group. They make decisions on research, testimonials, and level of authenticity. Do you know how you always like to put a face with a name? Your clients do, too! The digital world we live in means that clients are likely to learn about you online before they even step inside your office. It’s a given that your social media channels are up to date (your social media channels are updated, yes?), but your firm can take it one step further by having personalized content. By connecting with them in advance via video content, you place the first building block of trust in a relationship. Truly, the possibilities of using video to connect with clients are endless. Video can feature on homepages to reduce bounce rates. Short videos can be included in email newsletters to increase opens and clicks. Not to mention, by building a library of video content, your firm can develop a learning and resource library for clients!

Video is a powerful tool for your firm’s digital strategy. Especially when considering the ROI, an integrated approach of authentic, personalized content shared and posted across all digital platforms is one of the keys to growing your firm. Not sure how to fold video into your digital strategy? Need direction on where to start when creating video content? PSM, professional marketing Minnesota has the answers. We specialize in helping firms craft winning digital strategy that integrates video. Get in touch today.

PSM Marketing