Like, Share, Follow: Marketing Tactics for Lawyers

Like, Share, Follow: Marketing Tactics for Lawyers

Last May, a panel of attorneys and marketing professionals met for a forum called “Modern Marketing Tactics for Lawyers in a ‘Like, Share, Follow’ World. PSM Founder and President Terrie S. Wheeler, a legal marketing guru, served as the panel’s moderator. The panelists shared valuable insight into modern legal marketing and offered helpful advice for navigating the ethical challenges that may arise as a result of marketing your business in the digital age.

Using New Technology to Your Firm’s Advantage

If you’ve wondered how to successfully implement search engine optimization, Facebook advertising, blogging, and other common tech-based marketing strategies for your firm, you’re not alone. Marketing is a rapidly evolving area for most businesses, especially with technology becoming exponentially more important and relevant to the average American. However, it’s not so easy to know where to start.

Attorneys only have around nine seconds to grab a potential client’s attention, so your marketing efforts should make the most of this limited timespan. That raises the inevitable marketing question: how can you maximize your impact in only a few fleeting seconds? The answer lies in technology. Potential clients are spending more time than ever online, so your target audience is no longer finding you through newspaper ads.

Quality Over Quantity is the Mantra

If you’re a millennial attorney, it’s possible none of this information is news to you. You’ve grown up rapidly adapting to new technology, so the concept of evolving marketing may be easier to grasp for you than for your more seasoned associates. Regardless of your age and experience level, though, you need to focus on “quality over quantity,” says Terrie. Determine what makes your firm unique, and tailor your marketing plan to highlight those traits.

An article written for Minnesota Lawyer discusses in detail the tips Terrie and the lawyer panelists have for firms delving into modern marketing strategies. You’re bound to learn new information from the article that will help you with your digital marketing strategy!

You can read it in its entirety here.

Quit Talking and Start Doing: The Best Marketing Strategies for 2019

PSM Marketing