The Power of Google Reviews

The Power of Google Reviews - PSM Marketing

Clients often ask us: “What’s one thing I can do right now to help improve my search engine optimization?” Our answer? Google Reviews. Google Reviews are a wonderful way to establish trust with potential clients/customers and improve your visibility online. Let’s take a look at how Google Reviews can impact your business and how you can attract more of them!

Establishing a strong reputation is no longer optional. It’s essential. Every law firm, green energy company, nonprofit organization, recruiting firm, small business, or construction enterprise that wishes to grow and succeed needs to understand the power of one stand-out tool – Google Reviews.

You’re likely aware of Google Reviews. Star ratings and customer feedback are associated with businesses and appear in Google searches. But do you realize just how impactful they are for your business – whether you operate in a B2B or B2C market? Let’s delve deeper into the importance of Google Reviews and how they add credibility and can drive revenue into your business.

What’s a Google Review and Why Does it Matter?

The concept of online reviews isn’t new. In fact, sites like eBay started popularizing digital rating systems back in the late 1990s. As the world’s most popular search engine, Google adopted a system for rating businesses…the Google Review! A Google Review is essentially just an online rating based on a 5-star scale.

If you’re still skeptical about the power of a Google Review, consider these staggering statistics from LinkedIn and TrustPilot:

  • 90% of customers won’t act until they read reviews
  • 88% trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations
  • 91% of millennials trust online reviews as much as referrals from friends and family
  • 94% of people report that extremely negative reviews will drive them away from that business
  • 15% of users don’t trust businesses without reviews
  • Only 6% of consumers don’t trust customer reviews at all
  • Google accounts for 73% of all reviews worldwide
  • 39 Google reviews – the average local businesses have

These stats highlight just how influential Google Reviews are in shaping prospective client perceptions about the level of service they will receive from your company. Google Reviews are especially crucial if you’re trying to attract clients/customers under the age of 40, according to Brightlocal.

The Power and Credibility of Google Reviews

Businesses must rely on more than just their website, social media, and communications to shape their image. Today, consumers and businesses now look to online reviews for others’ views on their work with your firm.  Our goal with clients is to help them establish a collection of well over 100 five-star Google Reviews.

Think about it. How often do you make a buying decision without first reading the reviews? It’s likely rare. According to recent studies, over 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business’s website, and  And remember, Google Reviews aren’t just for B2C businesses. While B2B purchases – like which law firm to hire or what solar energy firm to choose – involve higher stakes and complex decision-making processes, Google Reviews also play a crucial role. A collection of positive reviews can increase trust and remove doubt in the decision-making process, significantly influencing prospective clients and referral sources to follow up with you.

A Credibility Boost For Your Business

Earning five-star reviews through Google creates high credibility for your business. Why? Because customers trust other customers. Each positive review you receive is a testament to the quality of your products or services and the satisfaction of your clientele. Essentially, Google Reviews are the modern-day word-of-mouth, providing credibility that traditional marketing methods can’t match.

How to Ask Customers for a Google Review

Here’s the part most people get hung up on…asking for the actual review. Asking happy customers for a Google Review is one of the best things you can do to improve your SEO. I recommend working the request into your existing business process- maybe when you send out your last invoice, complete a project, or after you’ve been working together for a few months. Here’s some boilerplate language you can tailor to ask satisfied clients for a review. One thing we do at PSM is to craft a quick email and embed the direct link to a client’s Google Review screen:

Dear Terrie,

We appreciate the trust you have shown in choosing to work with us. Please take a moment and leave us a five-star review on Google – it means a lot to us that you were happy with our work. Thank you in advance for sharing your experience!


As I’m sure you know, Google Reviews play an essential role in helping potential clients find our company online. I’m wondering if you’d be willing to leave a quick 5-star review for us? If so, here’s the link: ____________________.

Be bold about asking for reviews. Whether through email, at the end of a service, or on your website, encourage your clients and customers to write a review. The key is to make the process easy and convenient for them.

You can find step-by-step directions on how to copy/paste your Google Review link here. If you do a Google search for your company’s name, click the 5 gold stars, then once the review box pops up, just copy the URL in your internet browser.

Google Reviews - Marketing Consultants MN - PSM Marketing

Don’t Forget About Two Key Things

When you are looking for five-star reviews from your customers or clients, you need to earn it! Remember to:

  1. Deliver Excellent Service: This goes without saying, but to earn top reviews, you need to provide top-notch products or services. No amount of marketing can compensate for a poor product or shoddy service. Make your clients’ satisfaction your top priority.
  2. Respond to Feedback: Responding to positive and negative reviews is crucial. This shows your customers that you value their feedback and are committed to improving your services. Remember, how you handle negative reviews can sometimes be just as impactful as the positive ones.

Google Reviews Help You Recruit Top Talent

When trying to add employees to your firm, a collection of positive and authentic Google Reviews from select employees will help demonstrate employee satisfaction. We all know that people who enjoy working for a company can play an instrumental role in attracting new employees and showing clients that a happy and fulfilled workforce fuels your company. When employees are happy, they deliver exceptional service. So, demonstrating satisfaction among employees at your company can also reinforce your marketing messages and build your reputation.

Google Reviews Can Drive New Business

The impact of Google Reviews on your business, regardless of your industry or market, can’t be overstated. They’re a vital tool for establishing your credibility and influencing the perceptions of potential clients, partners, and employees. So, make it a priority to earn those five-star ratings and let your customers tell the world how great you are!

Why Google Reviews are Critical for Small Businesses

Today, small businesses face fierce competition. To stand out, leveraging online reviews is no longer optional—it’s essential. Do Google Reviews Matter? Absolutely. Understanding the power of positive customer reviews can significantly impact your business’s success. Let’s explore the importance of Google Reviews and how they can benefit your small business.

The Importance of Google Reviews

Google Reviews are more than just feedback; they are a critical component of your online reputation. Potential customers often search for reviews before making purchasing decisions. A strong presence of positive Google Reviews can enhance your credibility and attract more customers. In fact, businesses with higher ratings and more reviews tend to rank better in local search results, driving more organic traffic to their websites.

Benefits of Google Reviews

  1. Boost in Visibility and SEO: Google Reviews contribute to local SEO, helping your business appear in the coveted “Local Pack” and Google Maps. This increased visibility can lead to higher click-through rates and more foot traffic to your physical location.
  2. Enhanced Trust and Credibility: Reviews serve as social proof. When potential customers see others praising your products or services, they are more likely to trust your brand and convert from leads to loyal customers.
  3. Valuable Customer Insights: Google Reviews offer insights into what your customers love and areas where you can improve. This feedback can be invaluable in refining your offerings and customer service strategies.
  4. Improved Customer Engagement: Responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, shows that you value customer feedback. This engagement can foster loyalty and encourage more customers to leave reviews.
  5. Competitive Advantage: A business with numerous positive reviews stands out among competitors. Google Review Services can help manage and boost your review presence, giving you a significant edge in the market.

Understanding the Power of Positive Customer Reviews

Positive customer reviews are powerful. They not only build your reputation but also influence the purchasing decisions of others. Customers are more likely to try a business with glowing reviews and high ratings. Moreover, Google prioritizes businesses with consistent positive feedback, further enhancing your online visibility and attractiveness to potential customers.

How to Leverage Google Reviews

  1. Encourage Satisfied Customers to Leave Reviews: After a positive interaction, ask customers to share their experiences on Google. Make the process easy by providing direct links to your review page.
  2. Respond to Reviews Promptly: Acknowledge positive reviews with gratitude and address negative reviews with a willingness to resolve issues. This responsiveness demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction.
  3. Integrate Reviews into Your Marketing Strategy: Showcase positive reviews on your website and social media channels. Highlighting real customer experiences can boost credibility and attract new clients.
  4. Monitor and Analyze Feedback: Regularly check your Google Reviews to identify trends and areas for improvement. Use this data to enhance your products, services, and customer experience.

The Big Takeaway

Do Google Reviews Matter? Without a doubt. The importance of Google Reviews for small businesses cannot be overstated. They offer a wealth of benefits, from improving SEO to building trust and providing valuable customer insights. By understanding the power of positive customer reviews and actively managing your review presence, your business can thrive in today’s competitive market. Google Reviews are a phenomenal way to build trust with potential customers/clients before you’ve ever even met them. It’s a simple ask with a tremendous pay-off. Once you get in the habit of asking clients for Google Reviews, it starts to feel less awkward (I promise). Ready to harness the power of Google Reviews?

Did you find this article helpful? If so, please consider leaving us a 5-star Google Review at this link: Google review See What I did there? If you need help setting up your Google My Business profile or don’t know where to start, please contact PSM Marketing!




1. How do Google Reviews impact SEO?
Google Reviews enhance local SEO by increasing your visibility in search results and Google Maps, leading to more traffic and potential customers.

2. Can negative reviews be beneficial?
Yes, when handled correctly, negative reviews provide opportunities to show your commitment to customer satisfaction and resolve issues publicly.

3. How often should I check my Google Reviews?
Regularly. Monitoring reviews weekly can help you stay on top of feedback and respond promptly to customers.

4. What should I do if I receive a fake review?
Report fake reviews to Google for removal and respond to them professionally to maintain your credibility.

5. How can PSM Marketing help with Google Reviews?
PSM Marketing offers comprehensive Google Review Services to help manage and enhance your online reputation, driving more positive reviews and improving your business’s visibility.

By integrating these strategies, your small business can fully leverage the benefits of Google Reviews, fostering growth and success. Contact PSM Marketing today to learn how we can help boost your online reputation and drive your business forward.

Case Study: How Google Reviews Elevated R&R Cultivation’s Success

Company: R&R Cultivation
Website: R&R Cultivation
Industry: Specialty Mushrooms
Location: New Hope, MN

R&R Cultivation, a Minneapolis-based urban farm, specializes in growing and supplying gourmet mushrooms. Known for their quality and commitment to sustainability, R&R Cultivation faced the challenge of increasing their market presence and attracting more customers in a competitive niche. This case study explores how leveraging Google Reviews significantly boosted their business. R&R Cultivation wanted to:

  1. Increase online visibility and attract more local customers.
  2. Build a strong reputation and trust within the community.
  3. Gain valuable customer feedback to improve their products and services.

The Google Review Strategy

Understanding the importance of Google Reviews, R&R Cultivation implemented a comprehensive strategy:

  1. Encouraging Reviews: They encouraged satisfied customers to leave positive reviews by providing excellent service and follow-up requests via email and social media.
  2. Engaging with Customers: Responding promptly to reviews, both positive and negative, to show appreciation and address any concerns.
  3. Highlighting Reviews: Featuring positive reviews on their website and social media platforms to build credibility and attract new customers.

The Implementation

1. Encouraging Reviews:
R&R Cultivation integrated a simple and direct approach to request reviews. After a successful transaction or event, they sent personalized emails thanking customers for their purchase and asking them to share their experience on Google. They also included links to their Google Review page in their email signatures and social media bios.

2. Engaging with Customers:
The team at R&R Cultivation made it a priority to respond to all reviews. Positive reviews received a heartfelt thank you, while negative reviews were addressed with a problem-solving approach. This demonstrated their commitment to customer satisfaction and transparency.

3. Highlighting Reviews:
To maximize the impact of positive reviews, R&R Cultivation showcased them on their website and social media channels. This not only built trust with potential customers but also created a sense of community and engagement.


The impact of this focused strategy was substantial:

1. Increased Online Visibility:
The volume of positive reviews significantly improved R&R Cultivation’s local SEO. They began to appear in the top results for relevant searches like “gourmet mushrooms Minneapolis,” which drove more organic traffic to their website.

2. Enhanced Reputation and Trust:
With an impressive number of 5-star reviews, R&R Cultivation built a strong online reputation. Potential customers, seeing the consistent positive feedback, felt more confident in their purchasing decisions.

3. Valuable Customer Insights:
Reviews provided insights into what customers valued most, such as the freshness and quality of the mushrooms, and areas for improvement. This feedback was used to refine their product offerings and customer service practices.

4. Increased Sales and Customer Base:
As their online presence strengthened, so did their customer base. Many new customers mentioned Google Reviews as a deciding factor in choosing R&R Cultivation over competitors. This increase in new customers translated directly into higher sales.


Customer Feedback:
“I found R&R Cultivation through Google, and the reviews were fantastic. They definitely lived up to the hype with their amazing mushrooms and exceptional service!” – Laura M.

Owner’s Insight:
“Google Reviews have been a game-changer for us. The feedback not only helps us grow but also reassures potential customers about the quality of our products. It’s a crucial part of our marketing strategy now.” – Nick Robinson, Co-Founder of R&R Cultivation

The success story of R&R Cultivation demonstrates the undeniable power of Google Reviews. By actively encouraging and engaging with reviews, they enhanced their online presence, built a stellar reputation, and significantly grew their customer base. For small businesses looking to thrive in a competitive market, understanding the importance of Google Reviews and implementing a strategic approach can yield impressive results.

Want to boost your business like R&R Cultivation? Contact PSM Marketing today to learn how our Google Review Services can elevate your brand’s online presence and drive success.

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