Be Thankful: Ten Ways to Thank Your Clients

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‘Tis the season to be thankful, so we want to use this opportunity to share with you some of the top ways to express your client appreciation.

  1. Send Hand-Written Thank You Cards. This never goes out of style and is always appreciated. This is the time of year to list out your top ten clients and sincerely show your gratitude.
  2. Donate Money to Your Favorite Charity. Identity and contribute to your favorite charity on behalf of your clients. Share your donation with your clients and communicate how much you appreciate their continued confidence and loyalty.
  3. Plan a Client Appreciation Event. Rather than always looking for your next new client, take the time to really thank the ones who have been with you the longest. It’s important to continue to evolve your relationships and show gratitude to those that make your work truly rewarding.
  4. Take a Personal Interest in Them. Make sure you are taking notes as you are talking with them and recording the things and people that they mention are important to them. Then inquiry about those activities, events and people on a regular basis when you talk with them. Remember their family members’ names, too!
  5. Give Them a Great Book. If they love to learn, send them one of your favorite industry books. Or if they love novels, send them a book or an Amazon gift card. Make sure you include a personalized note with the book.
  6. Send Cards on Unique Holidays. Everyone receives a plethora of cards in December. Think outside of the box on this one. Arbor Day, Valentine’s Day, and Independence Day provide excellent opportunities to surprise your clients with a thank you card.
  7. Visit or Endorse Your Business Clients. If you have business owners for clients, schedule a time to tour their place of business or bring lunch to them at work. Show an interest in their business! You can also offer to endorse their business or link to them from your website to help increase their web traffic.
  8. Give Them Swag. Giving gifts never goes out of style. Create unique, branded materials and articles of clothing to share with your top clients.
  9. Thank Them on Their Work Anniversary. Track and acknowledge your clients on their anniversary with your business. This is a great opportunity to let them know how much you appreciate them!
  10. Provide Top Service. Identify your A-Level clients and provide a special level of service just for them. Let them know that they are your top clients and that you are treating them special because of that. Let them know the specific characteristics that make them top clients. More often than not, it has more to do with their character than the money they spend with you. Make sure you let them know just how much you appreciate them.

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