Hootsuite How-To: Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts

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By Trisha L. Salkas Getting tired of logging into LinkedIn to publish a post, then Facebook to post a status, then Twitter to tweet what you and your company are up to? Save some time and stress by using a software to make your social media presence less stressful and time-consuming! One of the tools we use at PSM is Hootsuite, a social media management system for brand management. Whether you have the Free, Pro, or Business account, managing social media profiles can be done quite easily and efficiently.

Add a Social Network

You can connect your Hootsuite account to your Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, WordPress, and/or Instagram!

Connecting is as easy as entering your username and password. Fear not, Hootsuite does not ever see your password to the respective social network, but by adding the social network to Hootsuite, you can tweet, post LinkedIn updates, and more.

Schedule a Post

Hootsuite makes scheduling a post efficient – you can send content to multiple social media networks of your choosing all at once. Hootsuite also had a built-in link shortener so you’re not wasting space in your post with a long URL. You can choose which image (if any) you’d like posted as well as the date and time of the posting. Hootsuite also warns you when your Twitter message is too long!

Other Features

Hootsuite allows you to view your past scheduled posts. If a post doesn’t go through (likely from a disconnected account due to a password change), you will get an email notifying you of this.

You can also see your upcoming, scheduled posts and make changes as necessary at any point – even 15 minutes before the post is scheduled to go live.

And poof! There you have it. Easy, efficient social media scheduling.

For more blogs by author, Trisha Salkas click here->

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