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Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC
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Beat the Blogging Blues: How to Create a Post in 30 Minutes!

Beat the Blogging Blues: How to Create a Post in 30 Minutes!

Start Time: 11:45 a.m. You want to blog – you know it will help build your name recognition for yourself and your law firm, but it seems writer’s block takes over each time you think about writing a blog post.  Properly promoted, blog posts will help establish your...

How to Mine your Contact’s Contacts on LinkedIn

How to Mine your Contact’s Contacts on LinkedIn

We are all getting used to the new LinkedIn user experience rolled out in October 2016.  We thought we knew it all then – presto – so much is different!  One of the best features on LinkedIn is the ability to search your contact’s contacts to determine if your...

Want To Impress? Dress Like A Successful Lawyer!

Want To Impress? Dress Like A Successful Lawyer!

Somewhere in the ’90s, casual Friday happened. At the time, many law firms were concerned about client perceptions and would post notices at their reception desks to brace visitors for the shock of seeing their lawyers in Dockers and button-downs. Casual Friday soon...

Driving New Business Through Strategic Referrals: It’s A 2-Way Street

Driving New Business Through Strategic Referrals: It’s A 2-Way Street

Are you happy with the flow of referrals into your practice? The financial success of a lawyer can be measured by the strength of his or her referral network. While lawyers know they should do more to build these lucrative relationships, few apply a strategic process...

An 8-Step Process to Develop Your Marketing Plan In 2017

An 8-Step Process to Develop Your Marketing Plan In 2017

Believe it or not, you learned the process of how to develop a marketing plan in law school. Let me explain. Developing a marketing plan is just like conducting the discovery upon which you create the case strategy, or pursuing due diligence before you create “deal...

Marketing Best Practices for Women Lawyers

Marketing Best Practices for Women Lawyers

Throughout my legal marketing career, I have helped scores of women lawyers identify and pursue targeted new business opportunities, and with great success. But one issue that comes up often, is the concept that marketing for women lawyers is different than the...

Lead With Your Strengths: The Key To Marketing Success For Introverts

Lead With Your Strengths: The Key To Marketing Success For Introverts

As a lawyer, you have pressure every day to serve your clients, meet court deadlines, participate in the management of your firm, bill your clients, collect your fees and myriad other tasks. In addition to keeping the marketing wheels on the bus of your practice,...

Never Underestimate the Value of a Strong Handshake!

Never Underestimate the Value of a Strong Handshake!

A young man came to my door this morning to see if we were interested in sealcoating our driveway.  He proceeded to tell me how the process worked, how he could repair part of our driveway and that the whole thing would be $1,100 - - an amazing deal!  When I opened...

Today’s Investment in Tomorrow’s Results

Today’s Investment in Tomorrow’s Results

It can be really difficult to invest in marketing today for what feels like an unknown payoff in the future. Many professionals think that by being "out there' in the marketplace with a stellar reputation, clients will seek them out in droves. Consider for a moment a...

Find Your Place In The Sun!

Find Your Place In The Sun!

I, Terrie, am fortunate to have a very talented husband who built me a beautiful new office last summer. This year I am truly enjoying my place in the sun! Why is this so important? Because like you, I need to have a place to work that is beautiful, functional, and...

PSM Marketing