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Marketing Action Plan
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Referral Source Development: How to Start Networking with Confidence

Referral Source Development: How to Start Networking with Confidence

Networking is a necessary and essential part of building a strong referral network for any professional – but especially for attorneys, financial advisors, and accountants. Having a strong referral network is generally one of the top sources of new business for...

Overcoming the Isolation of Being a Solo Practitioner

Overcoming the Isolation of Being a Solo Practitioner

Do you ever feel a little isolated as a solo practitioner?  Like you’re hanging out, doing all the right things to market and grow your practice, yet the results just aren’t happening? If you're in a small firm or a solo practitioner, isolation can be debilitating,...

6 Ways For Midsized Firms To Land Larger Clients

6 Ways For Midsized Firms To Land Larger Clients

This news ought to be deeply disturbing to managing partners and lawyers everywhere, regardless of the size of their firm: Attorneys in larger firms are losing their once-revered position as a business’ most-trusted advisor. Other professionals are edging them out,...

5 Steps to Executing Exceptional Client Service

5 Steps to Executing Exceptional Client Service

This past summer, an elderly uncle passed away, leaving my sister and me with both the burden and honor of settling his affairs as co-executors.  Our already busy lives were rocked with this out-of-left-field assignment as we began making what felt like mile-long...

Auditing Your Current Brand: Three Important Questions To Ask

Auditing Your Current Brand: Three Important Questions To Ask

Have you been asking yourself, “How can I tell if my current brand needs to be updated?” Or maybe, “Where do I start if I think my brand needs to be updated?” Thankfully, auditing your brand while it requires work, is fairly straight forward and DEFINITELY worth the...

3 Steps to Creating a Strong Brand Message

3 Steps to Creating a Strong Brand Message

Looking to continue to strengthen your firm’s brand? In last week’s blog we focused on the steps to create a unique brand for your service firm.  Now that you have written out your message, composed your elevator speech, and developed a tagline, what steps are left to...

An 8-Step Process to Develop Your Marketing Plan In 2017

An 8-Step Process to Develop Your Marketing Plan In 2017

Believe it or not, you learned the process of how to develop a marketing plan in law school. Let me explain. Developing a marketing plan is just like conducting the discovery upon which you create the case strategy, or pursuing due diligence before you create “deal...

Lead With Your Strengths: The Key To Marketing Success For Introverts

Lead With Your Strengths: The Key To Marketing Success For Introverts

As a lawyer, you have pressure every day to serve your clients, meet court deadlines, participate in the management of your firm, bill your clients, collect your fees and myriad other tasks. In addition to keeping the marketing wheels on the bus of your practice,...

Today’s Investment in Tomorrow’s Results

Today’s Investment in Tomorrow’s Results

It can be really difficult to invest in marketing today for what feels like an unknown payoff in the future. Many professionals think that by being "out there' in the marketplace with a stellar reputation, clients will seek them out in droves. Consider for a moment a...

PSM Marketing