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Marketing Coaching
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Want to Blog but Don’t Know How? Use a Ghostwriter

Want to Blog but Don’t Know How? Use a Ghostwriter

You know you need a blog on your website. You've heard all of the statistics on how it will drive traffic to your website and increase SEO and make you a thought leader, and, heck, you even have things you want to write about. But every time you open Microsoft Word to...

The New Landscape of Social Media and What it Means for You

The New Landscape of Social Media and What it Means for You

2018 has been a year of changes for digital marketing. The only constant has been never-ending change in everything from algorithms to privacy regulations. It is easy to ignore such rapid-fire changes or to dismiss them as not applying to your firm. After all, you...

How to Use Your Website to Qualify Leads

How to Use Your Website to Qualify Leads

In today’s marketplace, the consumer is more in charge of the online search process than ever before. Because of this, a fabulous website is an absolute must. But when it comes to designing your website, it's not all about looks. It's also about whom it will attract....

How Narrowing Your Niche Focus Can Expand Your Bottom Line

How Narrowing Your Niche Focus Can Expand Your Bottom Line

In a culture that celebrates doing all the things, the idea of focusing on a niche might seem counterintuitive or even a little crazy. I mean, won't limiting your client base squash your firm's growth potential? The truth is, concentrating on a specific niche, or...

Six Reasons Why Content Is Too Important for Lawyers to Write

Six Reasons Why Content Is Too Important for Lawyers to Write

Content is about the music, not the words. That’s why it is too important to be written by lawyers and other professionals. It’s not that you don’t know your stuff; rather, it’s that you know it too well. As a result, few attorneys understand how to explain something...

Making the Most of Facebook for Your Business

Making the Most of Facebook for Your Business

Facebook for Fun or Business? Most of us have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. We tend to love it for reconnecting with old friends, sharing our news and looking at endless pictures of acquaintances when we are supposed to be sleeping.  But since Facebook has...

Right Marketing Coaching Can Guide You Towards Success

Right Marketing Coaching Can Guide You Towards Success

Marketing is an aptitude they seldom teach in school. This is unfortunate because, especially from the perspective of a business, marketing is a necessary skill. Even if you're doing the job right, if you’re not marketing your services well enough your business will...

A Time For Reflection: Why What You Want Matters Most

A Time For Reflection: Why What You Want Matters Most

As you look at the time between now and the end of the year, you have a unique opportunity, available to you only once per year. You can take the time during what remains of December to look back before you launch forward into 2018! Reflection is Good for the Soul So...

Overcoming the Isolation of Being a Solo Practitioner

Overcoming the Isolation of Being a Solo Practitioner

Do you ever feel a little isolated as a solo practitioner?  Like you’re hanging out, doing all the right things to market and grow your practice, yet the results just aren’t happening? If you're in a small firm or a solo practitioner, isolation can be debilitating,...

Starting a Business in Minnesota: Tips and Tricks

Starting a Business in Minnesota: Tips and Tricks

Are You Ready to Take the First Step? Whether you are leaving a larger firm/company, or spreading your entrepreneurial wings for the first time, starting your own business can be as daunting as it is exciting. Many people make up their mind to start a new adventure,...

7 Ways A Coach Will Improve Your Business Development Efforts

7 Ways A Coach Will Improve Your Business Development Efforts

Doing business development is hard work with a long-term payoff that can make the process frustrating. Although a few forward-thinking firms are creating a sales function in the marketing department, the reality is that the burden of generating new business falls...

How Marketing Coaching Can Put You On The Fast Track To Growth

How Marketing Coaching Can Put You On The Fast Track To Growth

What? You didn’t learn about marketing and business development in law school? Well, you’re not alone. Aside from a few progressive law schools offering accredited classes that touch on marketing, sales, and the business of law, it’s likely you didn’t learn these...

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