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Pillar IV: Measuring ROI
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Six Reasons Why Content Is Too Important for Lawyers to Write

Six Reasons Why Content Is Too Important for Lawyers to Write

Content is about the music, not the words. That’s why it is too important to be written by lawyers and other professionals. It’s not that you don’t know your stuff; rather, it’s that you know it too well. As a result, few attorneys understand how to explain something...

Making the Most of Facebook for Your Business

Making the Most of Facebook for Your Business

Facebook for Fun or Business? Most of us have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. We tend to love it for reconnecting with old friends, sharing our news and looking at endless pictures of acquaintances when we are supposed to be sleeping.  But since Facebook has...

Pillar 4: Targeted and Effective Communication Strategies

Pillar 4: Targeted and Effective Communication Strategies

Effective Communication means saying the right thing at the right time. It is difficult for growing firms and solo practitioners to keep up with their marketing and communications plans. An effective and concise marketing strategy can do wonders for them. Through this...

Why Was That Lawyer Quoted? Tips To Secure Positive Press Coverage

Why Was That Lawyer Quoted? Tips To Secure Positive Press Coverage

PSM Marketing relies heavily on a comprehensive PR strategy to help clients build name recognition and awareness in the marketplace.  PSM Founder and President, Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC, a veteran in Law Firm Marketing, shares her understanding of the nuances of PR...

Lawyers In Smaller-Midsized Firms: Clients Want Your Blogs To Be Longer

Lawyers In Smaller-Midsized Firms: Clients Want Your Blogs To Be Longer

Before I began working with law firms, I was an assistant editor of a Very Serious Business Newsmagazine where there was constant debate about the best length for a story. Other than the breaking news section, where articles were relatively short so all the week’s...

Why Video Makes Sense For Financial And Professional Service Firms

Why Video Makes Sense For Financial And Professional Service Firms

Television elbowed its way into our homes in the 1950s and by the 1960s ‘most every North American home had at least one set. Since then, video has become part of nearly everyone’s life. Early TV was primitive. The first network news anchors sat at a desk reporting...

5 Steps to Executing Exceptional Client Service

5 Steps to Executing Exceptional Client Service

This past summer, an elderly uncle passed away, leaving my sister and me with both the burden and honor of settling his affairs as co-executors.  Our already busy lives were rocked with this out-of-left-field assignment as we began making what felt like mile-long...

2017 Twitter Update

2017 Twitter Update

Twitter announced last Thursday, June 15th, 2017, that it will be making changes to their platform to make it "lighter, faster, and easier to use." Many of the changes came about because of user feedback, said Grace Kim, Twitter's head of user research and design. For...

If Websites Were First Dates

If Websites Were First Dates

If websites were first dates, many of you would be in trouble. Between grungy appearances, poor planning skills, and shallow talking points, many websites share the undesirable traits of first-date horror stories. Is it possible your website fits that description?...

The Four Pillars of Marketing™: Use Them to Grow your Practice!

The Four Pillars of Marketing™: Use Them to Grow your Practice!

So what are The Four Pillars of Marketing?  The Four Pillars provide the construct for lawyers to use as they seek to develop and implement a marketing plan that will cover all the most important elements and best practices for lawyers.  It’s not enough to just write...

Auditing Your Current Brand: Three Important Questions To Ask

Auditing Your Current Brand: Three Important Questions To Ask

Have you been asking yourself, “How can I tell if my current brand needs to be updated?” Or maybe, “Where do I start if I think my brand needs to be updated?” Thankfully, auditing your brand while it requires work, is fairly straight forward and DEFINITELY worth the...

Beat the Blogging Blues: How to Create a Post in 30 Minutes!

Beat the Blogging Blues: How to Create a Post in 30 Minutes!

Start Time: 11:45 a.m. You want to blog – you know it will help build your name recognition for yourself and your law firm, but it seems writer’s block takes over each time you think about writing a blog post.  Properly promoted, blog posts will help establish your...

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