Why Google Reviews Matter and How to Ask your Clients For One

Legal Marketing Services

You may not realize this, but as many as 10% of your overall website visitors may have clicked on your website because of the Google Reviews posted on you and your company.   So what do you need to know about Google reviews, and how can you ask your clients to provide a positive review for you?

Why Google Reviews Matter

First of all, you have to establish your company with Google by claiming your business listing and managing your business information.  You can claim your business by clicking on Google My Business.  The process is quite simple and requires that you verify your company name and mailing address.  The best part is that the whole process is free!   So what does it look like when you have claimed your business on Google?  Let’s use PSM as an example.  Someone knows me or Michelle and that our company is called PSM Marketing but they don’t know our website address.  They will generally go to Google and search for our company by name.  What they will find (among other links that lead to our company) is that we are prominently featured on the right side of the page.   This is our Google business listing.  It includes our address, link to our website, telephone number, hours, AND an option for people to review us:

Google Review or Professional Services marketing Ask your Fans to Review You on Google!

We are currently on a campaign to increase our PSM Google reviews from 4 to over 20.   So how do you get your clients to review you?  You ask them!  In summary, here is the email I sent to select PSM clients we are currently working with, asking them to review us:

Re: Small Favor

Dear <name,>

I have a small favor to ask you.  Would you be willing to write a brief review on Google related to the work I am doing for you as your marketing coach, as well as the work PSM is doing as your outsourced marketing department?  I would really appreciate it!


Nothing too fancy, right?  Here’s why short and sweet works.  I am providing the actual link to the box within which they can write their review and (hopefully) give us a five star rating.   When they click “Write a review,” they are directed to this page where they can write until their heart’s content about you and your services, hopefully rewarding you with five stars in the process!

Google Review 5 Stars from Terrie WheelerCountering a Negative Google Review

Because Google is an extremely public forum, every once in a while, someone may  decide to post something negative about you.  Sadly, there is little you can do about a negative review except double down on your efforts to attract positive reviews.   If you know the person, let’s say it’s a disgruntled client, you can send them an email and suggest that rather than discussing their concerns in  such a public forum, that you are more than happy to talk with them personally.

In summary, the more Google reviews you have, the higher your prominence will be on Google.  The higher your prominence, the more likely it is that prospective clients conducting key-word searches will find you.  When they do find you and your Google Business Listing,  they will see the positive reviews, read them, and hopefully call you!  I encourage you to take the time to copy the email format above and proactively ask your best clients to review you on Google.

PSM Marketing