Putting the Social Back into Social Networking

Putting the Social Back into Social Networking

Read Terrie’s full article here >

Spring has sprung! And with the warm weather comes more opportunities for us to get out and get together. The great weather and plethora of outdoor activities in the spring and summer makes them prime seasons for more networking opportunities.

There are a few things you can do to capitalize on these great opportunities and create referral sources and leads for yourself. There’s no reason to come across as all business at every warm-weather social event you attend, but there are some easy tips you can keep in mind when interacting with friends and business associates, both new and old.

Building genuine connections – the best thing for your business

In an article she wrote for Attorney at Law magazine, PSM, marketing services firm Minnesota founder and president Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC outlines some of the nearly effortless changes you can make to your social interactions and pleasantries that may naturally generate new leads for your business.

One such suggestion posits that natural conversation ultimately leads to stronger business connections. Because of this, Terrie recommends initiating conversations regarding things people are passionate about: their hobbies, vacation plans, good books they’ve read, and more. When you’re discussing a conversational partner’s genuine interests, the conversation will flow much more organically and will feel nothing like a sales pitch, and that’s the point!

Open yourself up to new possibilities

You shouldn’t ever feel like you are simply going through the motions to flush out new clients. Instead, focus on the social aspects of networking. You never know when your business could benefit from an acquaintance’s obscure hobby, but you won’t have the chance to make that mental connection if you aren’t genuinely interested in what he or she has to say. Conversely, you’ll attract more new contacts if you remain true to yourself – no one finds joy in connecting with an inauthentic person.

For more information about how you can put the social back in your social networking efforts, read Terrie’s full article here.

PSM Marketing