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Google Analytics: The Key to Measuring ROI

Google Analytics: The Key to Measuring ROI

Google Analytics plays a critical role in marketing by providing valuable insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. With Google Analytics, businesses can track the success of their digital marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions...

Weighing the Cost + Benefits of Google Ads for Small Businesses

Weighing the Cost + Benefits of Google Ads for Small Businesses

For small businesses across industries, the decision to invest in Google Ads can be a challenging one. On the one hand, Google Ads offers the potential to reach a vast audience and drive significant traffic to your website. On the other hand, it can be expensive and...

How SEO Can Help Solar Energy Companies Stand Out

How SEO Can Help Solar Energy Companies Stand Out

If you're a solar energy company looking to stand out in a highly competitive market, search engine optimization (SEO) is a must-have in your marketing strategy. Optimizing your website for search engines can attract potential commercial and residential customers...

5 Signs Your Website is Due for a Refresh

5 Signs Your Website is Due for a Refresh

Are you still rocking a website design from the early 2000s? Do you feel like your website takes longer to load than a dial-up connection? Is your navigation so confusing that even your grandma can't find what she's looking for? Well, it sounds like your website is...

Why Choosing the Right CRM is Crucial for Your Business

Why Choosing the Right CRM is Crucial for Your Business

As businesses of all sizes continue to grow and expand, managing customer relationships is becoming increasingly important. A good customer relationship management (CRM) system can help businesses stay organized, streamline communication, and improve customer...

The Basics of SEO: A Beginner’s Guide

The Basics of SEO: A Beginner’s Guide

What is SEO and Why is it Important? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing your website to increase its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO is important because it helps your website appear higher in search...

Powering Your Recruitment Success: Leveraging Online Reviews

Powering Your Recruitment Success: Leveraging Online Reviews

In the fiercely competitive recruitment industry, securing a robust online reputation can give your firm a significant edge. Companies seeking to partner with a recruiting firm seek real experiences, testimonials, and insights. This is where online reviews on...

Website Best Practices to Enhance Your Online Presence

Website Best Practices to Enhance Your Online Presence

Having a website is a must for any business that wants to succeed. A well-designed and optimized website can enhance your online presence, attract more traffic, and generate more leads. Here are some website best practices that can help take your online presence to...

4 Signs it’s Time for a Branding Refresh

4 Signs it’s Time for a Branding Refresh

In 2023, what feeling does your branding evoke in your clients? According to one statistic, 73% of clients said that client experience impacts their purchasing decision.  Your brand is not just your story. It directs the experience you want your clients to have. And...

Shining a Light on Solar Energy Marketing

Shining a Light on Solar Energy Marketing

Trends + Tips for Residential and Commercial Success As the world transitions towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future, solar energy is emerging as a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuels. Solar energy companies are uniquely positioned to...

Marketing Best Practices for Recruiting Firms in 2023

Marketing Best Practices for Recruiting Firms in 2023

Recruiting firms are in the business of connecting top talent with the right companies. However, to do so, they need to have an effective marketing strategy in place. This article will discuss some of the best marketing practices for recruiting firms.  Define Your...

Marketing for Lawyers: The Best Strategies for 2023

Marketing for Lawyers: The Best Strategies for 2023

Marketing is an essential part of any successful legal practice. Today, competition among law firms is fierce, and attracting new clients is a constant challenge. However, there are several marketing strategies that lawyers can use to attract new clients and stand out...

The Difference Between Sales and Marketing

The Difference Between Sales and Marketing

According to HubSpot, only 31% of marketers in 2022 could confirm their sales and marketing teams were "strongly aligned."  So, what is sales and what is marketing? And why should they be aligned? Broadly put, marketing is work done to build awareness and attract new...

How Lawyers Can Get Back into Marketing Post-Pandemic

How Lawyers Can Get Back into Marketing Post-Pandemic

If you're a lawyer looking to get back into marketing post-pandemic, you're not alone. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted traditional marketing strategies and forced many lawyers to adapt to new ways of working and communicating with clients. As the world begins to...

3 Ways to Be More Inclusive in Your Marketing

3 Ways to Be More Inclusive in Your Marketing

Between the years of 2016 and 2022, the United States population growth came almost exclusively from people of color. If the considerable increase in conversations about diversity hasn't convinced you yet, just listen to the numbers. As a business owner, it's...

Tips for Recruiting Firms Facing Budget Cuts from Clients

Tips for Recruiting Firms Facing Budget Cuts from Clients

Recruiting firms may find themselves in a tough spot when clients cut their recruiting budgets. However, there are steps that recruiting firms can take to weather the storm and get through the slump. This article will discuss some tips for recruiting firms facing...

Why Copywriting is So Important for SEO

Why Copywriting is So Important for SEO

Copywriting is an essential aspect of any digital marketing strategy. It involves writing persuasive, engaging, and informative content that promotes a brand or service and is optimized for search engines. In this article, we will explore why copywriting is crucial...

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