Surveys St. Paul and Minneapolis

To keep your finger on the pulse of your client’s satisfaction levels. These include: Case Surveys, End-of-Matter Surveys, Intake Assessments, and more.

Are Your Clients Happy?  We Will Help You Find Out in St. Paul and Minneapolis

Surveys help attorneys, CPAs, financial advisors, and other professionals keep tab of their new and ongoing client relationships. PSM encourages professionals to look out for opportunities to survey their clients. We help service professionals learn about their clients with intake assessments.

Intake assessments are designed for you to learn more about your most effective marketing channels. We motivate you to learn more about how your prospects learned about you and what influenced them the most about your practice, so they went ahead and chose you for the job.

Professionals need to learn more about which of their communication channels are bringing them clients. Intake surveys help achieve this. At PSM, we also help professionals and firms keep a tab on their clients’ satisfaction with their services.

Client satisfaction is the first step of Pillar I of “The Four Pillars of Marketing: Use Them to Grow your Practice” by PSM Founder & President Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC.

Surveys help you keep your finger on the pulse of your clients’ satisfaction. Garner regular and consistent feedback from your clients to learn about any loopholes in your process and plug-in wherever necessary.

Client Surveys as Part of Outsourced Marketing Efforts

PSM, as your professional services marketer, makes sure that all the pieces of marketing puzzle are sorted for you. In the article “Time to Survey Your Clients?” by PSM Founder & President Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC, you learn about the various surveys you can opt for to learn more about your clients’ experience with your services.

Here are a few of the popular survey methods mentioned in the article:

  • Mail-Based Surveys – With paper-based surveys, you may sample your client base broadly and get generalized client satisfaction information. While this method is easy, inexpensive, and efficient, you cannot expect a high response rate and miss out on following-up with your clients that didn’t respond.
  • Web-Based Surveys – These are easy to develop and distribute. Web-based surveys garner better response rates and are good for sampling a large group of clients. But, they too lack the personal touch and follow-up that is possible with telephone and in-person feedback. Web-based surveys can be used for their ease of data entry through real-time data synthesis using databases.
  • Telephone Interviews – Telephonic surveys are great when professional services firms need to garner feedback from a few select clients on specific matters in depth. This method demands investment of personal time and better communication skills. With this method, you can give personal attention to your client’s specific concerns and there is room for clarification and follow-up.

At PSM, we work to create the content for your surveys and guide you along the way to learn most about your client’s concerns. Marketing and branding closely relate to he relationship you have with your current clients.

Learn more about our survey process and other services through our resources here-

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PSM Marketing