So Busy You Can’t See Straight? How to Cope

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As a lawyer, when you feel overwhelmed with your practice, you may want to fully immerse yourself in your clients’ needs. It can seem like you never have enough time to finish everything on your to-do list. At the peak of your career, you might even feel forced to put off seemingly less critical tasks (such as Marketing) until your workload is more manageable. However, this mentality overlooks a crucial point: consistent marketing is the key to a secure future.

As you plan your future, it is important to chalk out a strategy for days when you may need to attract more clients. The marketing done today will benefit tomorrow. As an ongoing process, marketing includes consistently posting knowledgeable content on social media, so you stay top-of-mind with your prospective clients.

When you find it hard to cater to more clients, PSM Founder and President, Terrie Wheeler, MBC, suggests onboarding a contract paralegal or temporary associate to help you sort your to-do list. You can delegate the more redundant daily tasks to this assistant, which means you’ll be able to focus on other crucial aspects of your business such as marketing and branding your services.

Row Through The Ebb And Flow

In this article, Terrie Wheeler, a veteran marketing coach in professional services marketing, explains how lawyers can row through the ebb and flow of work in their practice. For lawyers, things can quickly pile up and get overwhelming. All too soon, the to-do list may trend in the opposite direction and begin to dwindle, indicating the need to search for more clients. To prepare for those days, it is important to consider marketing a top priority today, even when there seemingly isn’t enough time for it.

The article contains actionable tips for lawyers to maintain their revenue cycles through effective marketing. Read it Here >

PSM Marketing