Stressed about Marketing? Do What Really Works for Solos and Small Firms

Stressed about Marketing? Do What Works for Solo + Small Firms | PSM

Many small firms and solo practitioners have a good understanding of marketing and how it affects their business. If you don’t have an expansive marketing department like a large firm would, you’ve likely had to educate yourself and make smart decisions about which marketing avenues to pursue. With so many options, though, it can be stressful and overwhelming to determine the best marketing strategy for your firm.

While it’s certainly worth mentioning that each law firm has unique marketing needs and goals, there are some strategies that remain universal. At PSM, we have extensive experience with marketing for small firms and solo practitioners. Our founder and president, Terrie S. Wheeler, has worked with small firms and solos on their marketing plans for years, so she’s learned firsthand which approaches are more successful than others.

In a recent article for the American Bar Association’s GP | Solo e-Report, Terrie writes about the best marketing practices and recommends an approach all solos and small law firms can take to customize their marketing plan effectively. If you’re tired of being stressed out over marketing, read Terrie’s article to learn which strategies are best for your firm – once and for all.

You can read the article here.

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