Top Social Media Trends to Watch in 2019

Top Social Media Trends to Watch in 2019

The social media world saw many changes in 2018. From data breaches to algorithm changes, social media struggled with growing pains. Now that 2018 has ended and 2019 is in full force, there’s one question on the mind of every marketer and firm: What will the year ahead bring for social media? Given that the only constant is that social media is always changing, prediction is a risky game. However, we took some time to dig through the projections and analysis and found three trends for you to keep an eye on.

Video Is King

Videos (uploaded natively) across all platforms performed better with higher clicks and engagement than static posts. Additionally, individuals watching videos are more likely to click, follow a link, or check out a website. Think about it this way: are you more likely to stop scrolling on a post that is just text, or a post that has a video already playing?

What this means for your firm:

Video can seem daunting, but a video or set of videos doesn’t need to be overproduced content. At the moment, professional and real content videos of 30 seconds to 1 minute are actually shown to be more effective than long videos. Short videos can be FAQs, team introductions, an explanation of your services, or merely firm updates. Potential clients want to put a name with the face in a real way. A video makes that easy.

Personalized, real content

Gone are the days of cheesy ads and churning out bland content. Audience and possible clients value transparency, authenticity, and customized content. With social media struggling with fake news and turmoil, standing out as real will draw in potential clients- after all, your firm wants to connect with individuals on a personal level.

What this means for your firm:

Pull back the curtain on what makes up your firm’s mission, goals, and values in social content. Showcase your employees and what they do. Talk about how you help solve your client and customer challenges. Focus on a recent news topic from your firm’s perspective. In social content, this could be blog posts, short posts from firm partners, or even short videos! Yes, video is an excellent way to showcase authentic content! Thus, short videos introducing your team, answering FAQs, and highlighting firm events are a one-two punch that draws possible clients in and establishes their trust in your firm.


Yes, you read that correctly. LinkedIn. Once seen as the dull younger sibling of Facebook and Instagram, 2018 saw LinkedIn stepping into the spotlight with the updated user interface, sales tools, and expanded video functions. In fact, allowing native video uploads to the platform has skyrocketed viewers and engagement and has made marketers take a second look at LinkedIn’s power. Additionally, with increased sales tools– such as LinkedIn Navigator, which can target specific audiences with content– LinkedIn has stepped out of the shadows to be a savvy, professional contender to the relative casualness of other social platforms.

What this means for your firm:

Reevaluate your LinkedIn strategy to include videos and perhaps a Sales Navigator subscription. Map out a plan to have your team revamp their profiles. Consider adding in short weekly blog posts to your marketing plan. Set aside time each week to log on and engage with content. And if it’s been awhile since you’ve updated your firm’s LinkedIn profile or your personal profile, now is the time to get that done!

The social landscape in 2019 is set to change again, but these trends have staying power. By utilizing knowledge of where social media is heading, your firm can broadcast your values and brand in relevant ways that reach your audience and build relationships. As you consider ways to update your strategy for 2019, keep in mind that an agile approach to social media and a willingness to pivot is necessary to ride the ups and downs of trends.

Not sure what comes next for your firm? Looking for direction on mapping out a social strategy for 2019? Check out these articles from the professional services marketing team on social media. Or set up a call with PSM to discuss your digital marketing strategy.

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