Terrie S. Wheeler Receives 2017 Volunteer of the Year Award from MN LPRB
The Minnesota Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility has named PSM President & Founder Terrie S. Wheeler as the 2017 Volunteer of the Year! For more information on the award, click here >
For the past six years, Terrie has served in a Minnesota Supreme Court-Appointed position on the Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board, the last three years of which as Vice Chair. In addition, Terrie served as Chair of the Board’s DEC (District Ethics Committee) Committee. Terrie has spent her career educating lawyers on the ethics of marketing their law practices, and has spoken in Minnesota and nationally at CLEs on this topic. Terrie also teaches ethical marketing and client service strategies at two Minnesota law schools.
In 1997, Terrie leveraged her 12 year career as an in-house law firm marketing director, and founded Professional Marketing Services, LLC (PSM). The focus of PSM is to deliver outsourced marketing department and individual marketing coaching services to clients in the legal and financial services industries. Prior to founding PSM, Terrie served as the marketing director at three large Minnesota law firms. During this time she and her marketing team led all marketing and business development efforts at the firm-wide, practice group, industry group and individual attorney levels by creating and implementing highly-targeted and results-oriented marketing strategies.