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PSM Marketing
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Get to Know Terrie: On Being a Virtual Company

Get to Know Terrie: On Being a Virtual Company

What do you love best about being a virtual company? Terrie: More and more of our clients work both in an office, and virtually from a home office.  Today, it really doesn’t matter where you work - - just that you get the job done.  One of the unique facets of PSM, is...

Everyone Can Market

Everyone Can Market

Finding Your Strength in Referrals At our legal marketing firm, we are strong believers that everyone can – and should – market themselves and their services. However, we also realize that not everyone fully understands his or her unique ability to make this happen....

Get to Know Terrie: Where does she work?

Get to Know Terrie: Where does she work?

One of the benefits to working with PSM is that we are completely virtual! When Terrie started PSM in 1997 she committed to remaining a virtual company, before virtual was cool! When you "clock-in" to work, where are you? Terrie: Thanks to my husband, Jim Wheeler, my...

When Lawyers Should Create a Personal Marketing Plan

When Lawyers Should Create a Personal Marketing Plan

Video Interview with Terrie Wheeler by Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC About a month ago I was asked to serve as  a contributor to a legal marketing website focused on producing videos from legal marketing professionals across the country.  I was recently interviewed by Editor...

How to Create and Promote Your Personal Brand

How to Create and Promote Your Personal Brand

If you are a professional who needs to sell yourself and your service, then your clients and your target market are truly buying the brand of ‘you’. Whether we realize it or not, we all have a personal brand already.  So the real challenge lies in creating,...

10 Ways to Repurpose Your Content

10 Ways to Repurpose Your Content

When you write an article, post a blog, or are featured in a news story or any piece of content, we encourage you to expand the reach of the content by promoting it at least 5-7 different ways.  When you create content, you want to spend four times as much time...

Are Your Clients Satisfied with Your Service?  Ask Them!

Are Your Clients Satisfied with Your Service? Ask Them!

As a service professional, your clients are your greatest source of information on how you’re doing in the area of providing superior client service as well as how you can improve. If you want to maximize your potential and are willing to take steps to transform the...

Time to Survey Your Clients?

Five Client Survey Formats You Can Implement Now By Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC As the new year begins, this is a good time to touch base with your clients to ensure they are satisfied with your client service. The single best way to solicit feedback from clients is to ask...

How to Get Referrals from your Clients and Other Professionals

How to Get Referrals from your Clients and Other Professionals

If you are a professional that needs to sell your services, then it’s likely that your practice’s new business relies almost entirely on referrals for growth. In fact, statistically, professional services firms receive 80% of their new business from referrals. So it...

How to Use LinkedIn to Develop Business

You’ve dabbled on LinkedIn but now you are wondering if it’s worth ‘taking the plunge’ and actually devoting more time to using it. Can it really help you bring in more business?  The short answer is yes – if you follow the recommendations below. 1. Complete Your...

How to Create Credibility with a New Contact: Ten Tips for Success!

How to Create Credibility with a New Contact: Ten Tips for Success!

You did it!  You met and connected with a great new contact.  Now, what can you do to keep the new relationship moving forward?  There is no single ‘magic bullet’ when it comes to building credibility so here are ten tips for you to consider as you embark on building...

5 Tips to help you Network Your Way to Success

5 Tips to help you Network Your Way to Success

Turn your Contacts into Clients! By Terrie S. Wheeler  Professional Services Marketing, LLC If you are a professional who makes your living out of marketing yourself and your services, it’s likely that approximately 90% of your new business comes...

PSM Marketing