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PSM Marketing
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6 Tips for Effective Email Newsletter Marketing

6 Tips for Effective Email Newsletter Marketing

Whether you are a solo practitioner or a large-sized firm, an email newsletter is a building block of a solid digital marketing strategy. In the past five years, the number of email marketing tools and programs has grown. Previously just a few options for managing an...

3 Reasons to Care About Video in Digital Marketing

3 Reasons to Care About Video in Digital Marketing

You’ve likely heard the news, read an article or have even seen PSM talk about it on our blog: Video is king for digital marketing! But as a firm, hearing “you must use video” can be annoying and frustrating. Why should you use video and what benefit will it have?...

Top Social Media Trends to Watch in 2019

Top Social Media Trends to Watch in 2019

The social media world saw many changes in 2018. From data breaches to algorithm changes, social media struggled with growing pains. Now that 2018 has ended and 2019 is in full force, there’s one question on the mind of every marketer and firm: What will the year...

Like, Share, Follow: Marketing Tactics for Lawyers

Like, Share, Follow: Marketing Tactics for Lawyers

Last May, a panel of attorneys and marketing professionals met for a forum called "Modern Marketing Tactics for Lawyers in a 'Like, Share, Follow' World. PSM Founder and President Terrie S. Wheeler, a legal marketing guru, served as the panel’s moderator. The...

Planning for Your Retirement: Ride into the Sunset or Sell?

Planning for Your Retirement: Ride into the Sunset or Sell?

Small firms and solo practitioners often find themselves decades into their lucrative legal career with no clear successor. After creating a respectable and decorated reputation for their firm, many are left asking themselves what’s next for the practice once their...

7 Clever Ways to Promote Your Blog Post

7 Clever Ways to Promote Your Blog Post

Maintaining a blog on your firm's website is a great way to showcase your expertise. But if no one knows about your blog post, all of the blood, sweat, and tears you pour into it could be in vain. Don't let this happen! By actively promoting your blog posts, you can...

Want to Blog but Don’t Know How? Use a Ghostwriter

Want to Blog but Don’t Know How? Use a Ghostwriter

You know you need a blog on your website. You've heard all of the statistics on how it will drive traffic to your website and increase SEO and make you a thought leader, and, heck, you even have things you want to write about. But every time you open Microsoft Word to...

The New Landscape of Social Media and What it Means for You

The New Landscape of Social Media and What it Means for You

2018 has been a year of changes for digital marketing. The only constant has been never-ending change in everything from algorithms to privacy regulations. It is easy to ignore such rapid-fire changes or to dismiss them as not applying to your firm. After all, you...

8 Website Maintenance Tips for Professional Service Firms

8 Website Maintenance Tips for Professional Service Firms

If you've invested in a high-quality website built on an updated platform, give yourself a hearty pat on the back. But your website is much like a house or car: in order for it to retain its value and function, it needs regular maintenance. This means consistently...

How to Use Your Website to Qualify Leads

How to Use Your Website to Qualify Leads

In today’s marketplace, the consumer is more in charge of the online search process than ever before. Because of this, a fabulous website is an absolute must. But when it comes to designing your website, it's not all about looks. It's also about whom it will attract....

PSM Marketing