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8 Rules of Video Call Etiquette While Working from Home

8 Rules of Video Call Etiquette While Working from Home

Manners Matter- Even on a Video Call Welcome to the PSM School of Etiquette! Today’s lesson will focus on the importance of proper manners on professional video calls. The COVID-19 global pandemic has changed the landscape of professional meetings since it’s emergence...

As COVID-19 Lockdowns Ease, Content Marketing Changes Again

As COVID-19 Lockdowns Ease, Content Marketing Changes Again

By Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC and Jim Bliwas When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and lockdowns were ordered nearly everywhere, website content, blogs and social media posts needed to make a fast, hard turn so the content remained relevant as the ground shifted around us. Not...

6 Tips to Help You Stay in Touch with Contacts During Quarantine

6 Tips to Help You Stay in Touch with Contacts During Quarantine

During these challenging times many of us are literally wringing our hands wondering how we can maintain our professional relationships while being under a quarantine. And if you’re a person that provides a service, then you are used to being able to meet with your...

Don’t Let Your Content + Blogs Succumb to COVID-19

Don’t Let Your Content + Blogs Succumb to COVID-19

With so many business and personal challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s easy to forget three things: First, your clients are looking for help and advice as they confront the same challenges you and your firm are coping with today. Second, search engine...

More to Life than Business: Finding Peace Amid a Pandemic

More to Life than Business: Finding Peace Amid a Pandemic

The Importance of Mindfulness During COVID-19 This period of social distancing has been a difficult adjustment for our society. With apocalyptic headlines gracing our e-news feeds, it’s tough to avoid a sense of impending doom. However, this is also a prescient time...

Working Remotely: Why you Still Need to Dress the Part

Working Remotely: Why you Still Need to Dress the Part

Somewhere in the ’90s, casual Friday happened. At the time, many businesses were concerned about client perceptions and would post notes at their reception desks to brace visitors for the shock of seeing their employees in Dockers and button-downs. Casual Friday soon...

How to Maintain Your Sanity When Working from Home

How to Maintain Your Sanity When Working from Home

Free Webinar: How to Maintain Your Sanity While Working from Home Apr 9, 2020 11:30 AM CDT Presenter: Michelle Wheeler Register Now → PSM Marketing has been a “virtual” marketing company since its inception in 1997. At the time,...

Staying Positive and Productive During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Staying Positive and Productive During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, workplaces are scrambling to deliver services remotely while maintaining the continuity of their work. We thought it would be helpful to provide a summary of the technology tools PSM has used to remotely deliver its services as...

Our Gift to You: The 2020 Marketing Planner

Our Gift to You: The 2020 Marketing Planner

Find Marketing Motivation for 2020 Do you have your 2020 Marketing Plan in place yet?  If not, fear not. In fact, it’s a great time of year to focus on your business growth goals! Our 2020 Marketing Plan is for You Are you a business owner or a contractor?  Maybe you...

PSM Marketing