Clients often ask us: “What’s one thing I can do right now to help improve my search engine optimization?” Our answer? Google Reviews. Google Reviews are a wonderful way to establish trust with potential clients/customers and improve your visibility online. Let’s take...
Thoughts on the Future of AI and Blogging
Artificial intelligence (AI) has already revolutionized numerous industries, and the world of blogging is no exception. In recent years, AI has made significant advancements in the field of content creation and has the potential to transform the way we create and...
Why Copywriting is So Important for SEO
Copywriting is an essential aspect of any digital marketing strategy. It involves writing persuasive, engaging, and informative content that promotes a brand or service and is optimized for search engines. In this article, we will explore why copywriting is crucial...
How to Track the ROI on your Marketing Efforts
Throughout my career in law firm marketing, the following has become a popular mantra: “How do we measure the ROI of our marketing efforts?” There are a couple of short answers then we’ll dive in. First, I believe if you don’t have a goal in mind for a marketing...
How to Engage on LinkedIn: Tips for Professionals
LinkedIn continues to serve as a great networking tool for professionals. Don’t miss out by not engaging on LinkedIn! I’ve compiled some LinkedIn best practices for you on how to fully complete your profile, add quality connections, and start engaging! Step 1 –...
2021 LinkedIn Checklist ✔
The very first thing you need to do is complete your LinkedIn profile. The simple fact is that we live in a virtual society and even if your primary source for new business is from referrals, prospective clients will still Google your name before they contact you....
Millennials + Pandemic = The Evolution of Professionalism
How millennials and the pandemic are driving a transformation of professional work culture. If you ask a Baby Boomer what it means to be a “professional” in the United States, you might get answers like: wearing business formal attire, having salaried employment,...
COVID-19 Made Content Marketing the Emperor
For more than a decade, there has been a saying in marketing that “content is king.” It is still true but has been elevated to an even higher level. Thanks to the pandemic, content marketing has become the Emperor. And like the fictional Emperor, it needs new clothes....
8 Rules of Video Call Etiquette While Working from Home
Manners Matter- Even on a Video Call Welcome to the PSM School of Etiquette! Today’s lesson will focus on the importance of proper manners on professional video calls. The COVID-19 global pandemic has changed the landscape of professional meetings since it’s emergence...
As COVID-19 Lockdowns Ease, Content Marketing Changes Again
By Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC and Jim Bliwas When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and lockdowns were ordered nearly everywhere, website content, blogs and social media posts needed to make a fast, hard turn so the content remained relevant as the ground shifted around us. Not...
Don’t Let Your Content + Blogs Succumb to COVID-19
With so many business and personal challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s easy to forget three things: First, your clients are looking for help and advice as they confront the same challenges you and your firm are coping with today. Second, search engine...
More to Life than Business: Finding Peace Amid a Pandemic
The Importance of Mindfulness During COVID-19 This period of social distancing has been a difficult adjustment for our society. With apocalyptic headlines gracing our e-news feeds, it’s tough to avoid a sense of impending doom. However, this is also a prescient time...