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Making the Most of Facebook for Your Business

Making the Most of Facebook for Your Business

Facebook for Fun or Business? Most of us have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. We tend to love it for reconnecting with old friends, sharing our news and looking at endless pictures of acquaintances when we are supposed to be sleeping.  But since Facebook has...

SSL Certificates: What they Are and Why You Need One

SSL Certificates: What they Are and Why You Need One

So, you’ve heard the term “SSL certificate” floating about the internet, from your IT team, or from your web developer. You know it has something to do with web security. But really though…what the heck is it? Well, SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. According to...

The Genesis Framework: Why It Rocks

The Genesis Framework: Why It Rocks

Developers build websites using intricate code structures called frameworks. I know what you’re thinking…green code cascading down your screen Matrix-style. Unfortunately, it’s not that cool. A framework is just a bunch of code that looks something like this: Once a...

The Evolution of Marketing for Solos and Small Firms

The Evolution of Marketing for Solos and Small Firms

With the growing use of technology and mobile devices, marketing has changed forever. Most Americans spend hours on their computers and other electronic devices every single day. Our technology-centric society means there is more opportunity to reach potential clients...

How to Boost Your SEO Without Breaking The Bank

How to Boost Your SEO Without Breaking The Bank

It is a trend to invest in SEO today. Search Engine Optimization deserves to be called a necessity in this digital age. According to an interesting statistic, 91 percent of searchers do not go beyond the first page of any search engine. So, if your business isn't...

Why Case Studies Are Crucial on Websites for Professional Services

Why Case Studies Are Crucial on Websites for Professional Services

Not many professional and financial firm websites feature them, which is both surprising and astounding. Why? Because on sites with easily-found, searchable and readable case studies, typically they are the third-most read items after a practitioner’s bio and blog....

Looking Back to See Ahead: Trends In Law Firm Marketing

Looking Back to See Ahead: Trends In Law Firm Marketing

Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC, is the founder of PSM and a professional marketing coach. She specializes in the legal marketing industry and has nearly three decades of experience for small and mid-sized law firms. In one of her recent articles, Terrie spills the beans on...

Why Video Makes Sense For Financial And Professional Service Firms

Why Video Makes Sense For Financial And Professional Service Firms

Television elbowed its way into our homes in the 1950s and by the 1960s ‘most every North American home had at least one set. Since then, video has become part of nearly everyone’s life. Early TV was primitive. The first network news anchors sat at a desk reporting...

Making Sense of SEO- Tricks, Tips, and Lingo to Know

Making Sense of SEO- Tricks, Tips, and Lingo to Know

SEO – Search Engine Optimization The term “SEO” is a very popular term and the process of it tends to be quite confusing. SEO is basically what happens on and behind your website to ensure that it is visible to your audience online. For example, if you are trying to...

2017 Twitter Update

2017 Twitter Update

Twitter announced last Thursday, June 15th, 2017, that it will be making changes to their platform to make it "lighter, faster, and easier to use." Many of the changes came about because of user feedback, said Grace Kim, Twitter's head of user research and design. For...

If Websites Were First Dates

If Websites Were First Dates

If websites were first dates, many of you would be in trouble. Between grungy appearances, poor planning skills, and shallow talking points, many websites share the undesirable traits of first-date horror stories. Is it possible your website fits that description?...

Why Google Reviews Matter and How to Ask your Clients For One

Why Google Reviews Matter and How to Ask your Clients For One

You may not realize this, but as many as 10% of your overall website visitors may have clicked on your website because of the Google Reviews posted on you and your company.   So what do you need to know about Google reviews, and how can you ask your clients to provide...

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