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Does Marketing Affect Your Government’s Strategic Plan?

Does Marketing Affect Your Government’s Strategic Plan?

Developing a strategic plan is an integral step toward any local government’s success. Serving as a road map for townships, cities, counties, and states, strategic plans outline broad goals and initiatives to be accomplished on a set timeline. Whether you’re trying to...

Making Sense of SEO- Tricks, Tips, and Lingo to Know

Making Sense of SEO- Tricks, Tips, and Lingo to Know

SEO – Search Engine Optimization The term “SEO” is a very popular term and the process of it tends to be quite confusing. SEO is basically what happens on and behind your website to ensure that it is visible to your audience online. For example, if you are trying to...

How Marketing Coaching Can Put You On The Fast Track To Growth

How Marketing Coaching Can Put You On The Fast Track To Growth

What? You didn’t learn about marketing and business development in law school? Well, you’re not alone. Aside from a few progressive law schools offering accredited classes that touch on marketing, sales, and the business of law, it’s likely you didn’t learn these...

If Websites Were First Dates

If Websites Were First Dates

If websites were first dates, many of you would be in trouble. Between grungy appearances, poor planning skills, and shallow talking points, many websites share the undesirable traits of first-date horror stories. Is it possible your website fits that description?...

The Four Pillars of Marketing™: Use Them to Grow your Practice!

The Four Pillars of Marketing™: Use Them to Grow your Practice!

So what are The Four Pillars of Marketing?  The Four Pillars provide the construct for lawyers to use as they seek to develop and implement a marketing plan that will cover all the most important elements and best practices for lawyers.  It’s not enough to just write...

City of New Brighton: Case Study

City of New Brighton: Case Study

In February of 2015, I was surfing the web (as all millennials do) and came across the City of New Brighton’s website. As a New Brighton native, I was surprised to find my hometown’s website in such disarray. The overall design was antiquated, the site was not...

The Anatomy of an Outsourced Marketing Engagement

The Anatomy of an Outsourced Marketing Engagement

So hopefully, Part I of this series has convinced you that by outsourcing your marketing department you will be in a better position to do what you enjoy: serving clients and attracting new business into your practice.  Because outsourcing the marketing department in...

An Outsourced Marketing Department: Would it Work for Your Firm?

An Outsourced Marketing Department: Would it Work for Your Firm?

All of our clients and prospective clients KNOW they should be “doing more marketing.” They know that marketing, supported by a consistent sales effort, is what will drive new business into their firm.  However, many times they are also operating under the...

Auditing Your Current Brand: Three Important Questions To Ask

Auditing Your Current Brand: Three Important Questions To Ask

Have you been asking yourself, “How can I tell if my current brand needs to be updated?” Or maybe, “Where do I start if I think my brand needs to be updated?” Thankfully, auditing your brand while it requires work, is fairly straight forward and DEFINITELY worth the...

3 Steps to Creating a Strong Brand Message

3 Steps to Creating a Strong Brand Message

Looking to continue to strengthen your firm’s brand? In last week’s blog we focused on the steps to create a unique brand for your service firm.  Now that you have written out your message, composed your elevator speech, and developed a tagline, what steps are left to...

An 8-Step Process to Develop Your Marketing Plan In 2017

An 8-Step Process to Develop Your Marketing Plan In 2017

Believe it or not, you learned the process of how to develop a marketing plan in law school. Let me explain. Developing a marketing plan is just like conducting the discovery upon which you create the case strategy, or pursuing due diligence before you create “deal...

PSM Marketing