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If Websites Were First Dates

If Websites Were First Dates

If websites were first dates, many of you would be in trouble. Between grungy appearances, poor planning skills, and shallow talking points, many websites share the undesirable traits of first-date horror stories. Is it possible your website fits that description?...

Going Solo: Part II

Are You Ready to Leave Your Firm & Go Out on Your Own? By Terrie S. Wheeler Here are more key points to consider as you contemplate going out on your own: Create a business plan. Don’t jump into your new practice with a “Ready. Fire. Aim.” approach. Rather, spend...

The Value of Organizing and Tracking Your Sales Opportunities

The Value of Organizing and Tracking Your Sales Opportunities

One of the best ways you can get better results from your business development efforts is to create a system to organize and track your sales efforts. This is commonly referred to as a ‘sales pipeline’. As defined by “Base” an online sales management pipeline tool, a...

PSM Marketing