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Pillar I: Retain and Grow Relationships
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Marketing and the Art of Mentorship

By Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC There are myriad law and financial firm recruiting pages that offer prospective associates the opportunity to participate in firm-wide mentorship programs. Associates are to be paired with a partner who cares deeply about their success in...

Going Solo: Part II

Are You Ready to Leave Your Firm & Go Out on Your Own? By Terrie S. Wheeler Here are more key points to consider as you contemplate going out on your own: Create a business plan. Don’t jump into your new practice with a “Ready. Fire. Aim.” approach. Rather, spend...

Going Solo: Part I

Are You Ready to Leave Your Firm & Go Out on Your Own? By Terrie S. Wheeler You might find yourself in one of two scenarios. You have been practicing in a large firm for many years and have developed the contacts and expertise you need to spin off and start your...

20 Marketing Ideas You Can Do in 5 Minutes or Less!

20 Marketing Ideas You Can Do in 5 Minutes or Less!

By Terrie S. Wheeler Professionals are busy – there’s never enough time to really do marketing. But we know that everyone has small bits of time each day to implement just one small, high-impact strategy – particularly if it will take five minutes or less of your...

Marketing Your Law Practice: Part IV

By Terrie. S. Wheeler, MBC Here are some more Bright Ideas to improve your marketing:   Bright Idea! Run Your Practice Like A Business Lawyers do not learn how to run a business in law school. Running your law practice like a business involves developing specific...

Marketing Your Law Practice: Part III

Marketing Your Law Practice: Part III

In early 2015, I wrote a series about your 2015 marketing plan, just as a new year was upon us and we were all feeling energized and ready to tackle new goals and resolutions. Now, with a couple of months under our belts, it is time to revisit our goals, both personal...

Turning Contacts Into Clients

Turning Contacts Into Clients

Five Tips to Help You Network Your Way to Success By Terrie S. Wheeler As a professional, you make your living by delivering expertise and exceptional service to your clients. It is likely 80-90 percent of your new business comes through referrals from satisfied...

Building High Quality Referral Relationships: What it Really Takes

Building High Quality Referral Relationships: What it Really Takes

Ask any lawyer and they will tell you: The vast majority of their new business comes from referrals. In fact, statistically, referrals are responsible for up to 80% of new business generated by lawyers. These referrals take many shapes and forms.  From past clients,...

Using LinkedIn to Develop Business

Using LinkedIn to Develop Business

A Primer for Lawyers By Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC As a lawyer, you have likely dabbled on LinkedIn but now you are wondering if it’s worth taking the plunge and actually devoting more time to using it. Can it really help you bring in more business? The short answer is...

Be Where Your Clients Are

Be Where Your Clients Are

Ten Tips to Maximize Trade Associations Involvement Many times our clients tell us they are involved in several different trade associations – most of which they rarely attend or if they do, their attendance is very sporadic. We understand that it can be overwhelming...

Are Your Clients Satisfied with Your Service?  Ask Them!

Are Your Clients Satisfied with Your Service? Ask Them!

As a service professional, your clients are your greatest source of information on how you’re doing in the area of providing superior client service as well as how you can improve. If you want to maximize your potential and are willing to take steps to transform the...

Time to Survey Your Clients?

Five Client Survey Formats You Can Implement Now By Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC As the new year begins, this is a good time to touch base with your clients to ensure they are satisfied with your client service. The single best way to solicit feedback from clients is to ask...

PSM Marketing