LinkedIn How-To: Share an Update on LinkedIn


One of the easiest ways to make your LinkedIn page appealing, showcase that you are active, and keep it current it to share updates. You can write your own updates from your LinkedIn homepage, but an easy way to supplement created content is to share content from sources you trust, such as the firm’s LinkedIn page.

To find the firm’s LinkedIn page:

• search the firm’s name in the search bar on LinkedIn, or

• click the “LinkedIn” icon on the firm’s website.

The firm’s page is designed to mirror the website; the banner image reflects the firm’s branding. For the purposes of sharing updates, we’ll be looking at the “Recent Updates” area of the firm’s LinkedIn page. Under Recent Updates are a variety of posts. PSM approves a calendar of items the month prior, so that every weekday contains new content shared by the firm. To share an item that interests you or might interest your contacts, first make sure you are logged in, and then go to the firm’s page. On the left-hand side are Recent Updates. Click the “share” button below the article or link.

how to share an update on linkedin

A window will pop up asking about what details you would like to share alongside the update. You can type in a description of your opinions, mention individuals or companies (also known as “tagging”) in your comments to draw their attention to the post, or ask your connections what their thoughts are. Clicking “Share” makes the post appear on your own LinkedIn page.

share button on linkedin

In addition to sharing an update on your own LinkedIn page, you can also choose to post to a group or send the update in a message to an individual. Simply check the corresponding boxes to make the popup expand the details for those options.

share to group

For messages to individuals, a short suggested subject line and message are automatically filled in. Feel free to personalize these to make them more relevant to the contact you want to send the post to.

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