Why Was That Lawyer Quoted? Tips To Secure Positive Press Coverage

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PSM Marketing relies heavily on a comprehensive PR strategy to help clients build name recognition and awareness in the marketplace.  PSM Founder and President, Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC, a veteran in Law Firm Marketing, shares her understanding of the nuances of PR planning and media outreach for law firms.

Even though the article was written for a legal publication, everything in Terrie’s article applies to ALL services firms. The article underscores all major areas of PR and marketing like news releases, media coverage, and how important it is to build a relationship with members of the media covering your industry or practice.

While social media is the frenzy these days, the good-old marketing strategy for reaching the local masses- PR planning and press coverage, is equally important to secure a positive name recognition. And, if you were lost on where to start PR planning for your business, you just found an article that provides a path to more press coverage!

In this piece, you will receive viable suggestions to build a working PR strategy to accelerate growth and catalyze positive brand awareness.

The first step towards marketing through PR is to define an objective. What is it that you are trying to achieve through your PR strategy? Once you can answer that, you have gained a clarity of your purpose. The next steps mentioned in the piece, are equally simple!

You don’t have to hire a PR firm to get great press coverage.  In fact, you can handle it if you are well-versed with its subtleties. Don’t rely on the information copied and pasted on the Internet. Listen to an expert with experience in professional services marketing who also has advanced education in public and media relations.

This article will provide enough information for you to start building your PR plan without any help from expensive PR firms. A do-it-yourself approach works the best for solo practitioners like you. You don’t know what you don’t know!  So read our article and find out how you can develop and implement a PR plan designed to get YOU quoted in the media.

Follow the easy guidelines in the article to secure positive press coverage and build awareness for your brand. An effective PR strategy is vital to generating better leads and clients, faster.

Check out the article for practical tips to secure a positive reputation in the media and build your brand awareness in the market. Access the complete article >

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