Bonnie L. Weinandt

Website Developer + Strategist

“My passion is helping clients achieve their internet marketing goals by keeping their websites running in tip-top shape.”

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Bonnie L. Weinandt Website Developer + Strategist At PSM Marketing

Bonnie Weinandt has worked with PSM clients since the company’s inception on every type of marketing technology including websites, hosting, and databases. As the co-owner of Support Unlimited, Inc., Bonnie is our hosting provider of choice for PSM-developed websites. Bonnie works closely with our clients on managing their Domain Name Servers, registering new URLs, transferring client websites from their current provider to PSM, and troubleshooting website and email transitions. Bonnie is a first-class website hosting technologist.  There’s nothing Bonnie can’t do to help ensure PSM clients websites stay up and operational.

Bonnie is an avid cyclist and spends countless hours bicycling the many trails Minnesota has to offer.

PSM Marketing