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Staying Top-of-Mind: Part II

Staying Top-of-Mind: Part II

Targeted Communication Strategies for Lawyers, Part II Continuing from Part I of Staying Top-of-Mind, here are a few more ideas that represent communications best practices for lawyers who want to stay top-of-mind with their clients, contacts, and referral sources....

Professional Services Branding 101

Professional Services Branding 101

Now is the time of year when firms are typically looking at creating a marketing plan or updating their marketing strategy for the upcoming year. An important part of a marketing strategy for any professional service firm is knowing and being able to consistently...

Staying Top-of-Mind

Staying Top-of-Mind

Targeted Communication Strategies for Lawyers, Part I You have a strong, well-established network and want to make sure your contacts will think of you when a question or legal issue arises. Your goal? To stay top-of-mind with your A-level connections. The following...

Be Thankful: Ten Ways to Thank Your Clients

Be Thankful: Ten Ways to Thank Your Clients

'Tis the season to be thankful, so we want to use this opportunity to share with you some of the top ways to express your client appreciation. Send Hand-Written Thank You Cards. This never goes out of style and is always appreciated. This is the time of year to list...

Happy Thanksgiving from PSM!

Happy Thanksgiving from PSM!

Apple pie, cinnamon, and fall leaves fill the air.  We are all in “busy mode” preparing for the holidays, trying to stay one step ahead of the holiday season crunch.  During this action-packed time of year, we would like to step back for a moment to share what we are...

It’s a Buyer’s Market: How to Gather Feedback

It’s a Buyer’s Market: How to Gather Feedback

By Terrie S. Wheeler Continuing from It's a Buyer's Market: Make Sure Your Clients Are Happy, here are some of the most effective ways in which you can gather client feedback and make the most of surveys: Client Survey Options Web-based Surveys Online client...

10 Ways to Generate New Business in the New Year

10 Ways to Generate New Business in the New Year

During the holiday season, the flow of new business can often slow down for professional service firms. So we thought we’d take this opportunity to share with you some simple ideas on how you can continue to generate new business during this time of year. Just...

It’s a Buyer’s Market: Make Sure Your Clients are Happy

It’s a Buyer’s Market: Make Sure Your Clients are Happy

At one time or another, most law firms will gather around a conference table to brainstorm creative ways in which to unseat their competition and entice clients to move work to their firm – and away from yours. The primary reason for these defections? Clients’...

Everyone Can Market: Know Your Strengths

Everyone Can Market: Know Your Strengths

Marketing can be a walk in the park if you take the time to identify your strengths and learn how to leverage their powers. Everyone Can Market. You have your own unique talents and strengths, so our goal is to help you understand how to make them work for you as you...

Marketing and the Art of Mentorship: Mentoring Tips

By Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC   What Should Happen? The best marketing mentorship results do not always emanate from a planned, systematic formal marketing mentorship program. Rather, a marketing mentorship must be organically grown based upon mutual agreement that...

Get to Know Terrie: On Being a Virtual Company

Get to Know Terrie: On Being a Virtual Company

What do you love best about being a virtual company? Terrie: More and more of our clients work both in an office, and virtually from a home office.  Today, it really doesn’t matter where you work - - just that you get the job done.  One of the unique facets of PSM, is...

Everyone Can Market

Everyone Can Market

Finding Your Strength in Referrals At our legal marketing firm, we are strong believers that everyone can – and should – market themselves and their services. However, we also realize that not everyone fully understands his or her unique ability to make this happen....

Marketing and the Art of Mentorship

By Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC There are myriad law and financial firm recruiting pages that offer prospective associates the opportunity to participate in firm-wide mentorship programs. Associates are to be paired with a partner who cares deeply about their success in...

Get to Know Terrie: Where does she work?

Get to Know Terrie: Where does she work?

One of the benefits to working with PSM is that we are completely virtual! When Terrie started PSM in 1997 she committed to remaining a virtual company, before virtual was cool! When you "clock-in" to work, where are you? Terrie: Thanks to my husband, Jim Wheeler, my...

Going Solo: Part II

Are You Ready to Leave Your Firm & Go Out on Your Own? By Terrie S. Wheeler Here are more key points to consider as you contemplate going out on your own: Create a business plan. Don’t jump into your new practice with a “Ready. Fire. Aim.” approach. Rather, spend...

Going Solo: Part I

Are You Ready to Leave Your Firm & Go Out on Your Own? By Terrie S. Wheeler You might find yourself in one of two scenarios. You have been practicing in a large firm for many years and have developed the contacts and expertise you need to spin off and start your...

Keeping the Success in Succession Planning: Part II

Practical Steps to Ensure a Smooth (and Lucrative) Transition By Terrie S. Wheeler Here are more important steps you should consider as you are considering transitioning your practice: Identify your Successor – It’s time to actively search for that person to whom you...

Keeping the Success in Succession Planning: Part I

Keeping the Success in Succession Planning: Part I

Practical Steps to Ensure a Smooth (and Lucrative) Transition By Terrie S. Wheeler As lawyers who graduated from law school in the 1980s, you are likely facing the same situation as many of your peers. You have successfully been practicing law for over 25 years; many...

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