PSM Marketing Motivation Blog

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Talented Women Leaving the Law: Could Marketing Demands Play a Role?

Talented Women Leaving the Law: Could Marketing Demands Play a Role?

Each year, an influx of bright-eyed new attorneys joins the workforce. Even so, the percentage of female attorneys remains disproportionate. In addition, thousands of women attorneys leave their firms or the field entirely, further widening the gap. These women are...

The Best Marketing Strategies for Small Firms and Solos in 2019

The Best Marketing Strategies for Small Firms and Solos in 2019

As 2018 comes to a close, many solo practitioners and small professional services firms are taking some time to reflect on the year’s triumphs and struggles. If you’ve been doing the same, don’t forget to include your marketing efforts for the year in these...

Why Professional Services Firms Should Outsource Marketing

Why Professional Services Firms Should Outsource Marketing

If you are a solo practitioner or work with a small team at your professional services firm, you probably understand the struggle of trying to balance your legal duties with your firm’s marketing plan. Staying accessible and relevant to potential clients requires...

Overcoming the Isolation of Being a Solo Practitioner

Overcoming the Isolation of Being a Solo Practitioner

As a solo practitioner, you may sometimes get a little lonely or feel isolated from others in your profession. When you don’t have other attorneys at your firm to bounce ideas off of, it’s easy to feel stagnant in your marketing and networking efforts. Even when...

Attorneys: Finding Your Bliss, and Why Does “Why” Matter?

Attorneys: Finding Your Bliss, and Why Does “Why” Matter?

Most lawyers pressure themselves to always strive for success; their choice of career makes that clear. If you are the type of person who undergoes years of schooling, stressful tests, and a high-stakes career just to help others, you’re probably quite a go-getter....

7 Clever Ways to Promote Your Blog Post

7 Clever Ways to Promote Your Blog Post

Maintaining a blog on your firm's website is a great way to showcase your expertise. But if no one knows about your blog post, all of the blood, sweat, and tears you pour into it could be in vain. Don't let this happen! By actively promoting your blog posts, you can...

Want to Blog but Don’t Know How? Use a Ghostwriter

Want to Blog but Don’t Know How? Use a Ghostwriter

You know you need a blog on your website. You've heard all of the statistics on how it will drive traffic to your website and increase SEO and make you a thought leader, and, heck, you even have things you want to write about. But every time you open Microsoft Word to...

Gutenberg is Coming: Exploring the Latest WordPress Page Editor

Gutenberg is Coming: Exploring the Latest WordPress Page Editor

Have you heard of the Gutenberg Page Editor for WordPress? By 2019, the default page editor you’ve come to know (and have finally come to understand) is getting a major overhaul. Although this will be a big change when you’re creating new pages and posts, it won’t...

The New Landscape of Social Media and What it Means for You

The New Landscape of Social Media and What it Means for You

2018 has been a year of changes for digital marketing. The only constant has been never-ending change in everything from algorithms to privacy regulations. It is easy to ignore such rapid-fire changes or to dismiss them as not applying to your firm. After all, you...

Low-Cost, High-Impact Strategies to Increase Your Name Recognition

Low-Cost, High-Impact Strategies to Increase Your Name Recognition

Against their best interest, some lawyers and professional service providers would prefer to avoid marketing altogether. Unfortunately for these individuals, marketing is key to sustaining a practice or a small business. In an article for The American Bar Association,...

8 Website Maintenance Tips for Professional Service Firms

8 Website Maintenance Tips for Professional Service Firms

If you've invested in a high-quality website built on an updated platform, give yourself a hearty pat on the back. But your website is much like a house or car: in order for it to retain its value and function, it needs regular maintenance. This means consistently...

How to Use Your Website to Qualify Leads

How to Use Your Website to Qualify Leads

In today’s marketplace, the consumer is more in charge of the online search process than ever before. Because of this, a fabulous website is an absolute must. But when it comes to designing your website, it's not all about looks. It's also about whom it will attract....

What’s a Website Plugin?

What’s a Website Plugin?

What Is a Website Plugin? If you’re not immersed in the world of website development, you may not know what a website plugin is. That’s okay! Maybe you’ve heard your IT person talk about them, but you don’t really understand what a website plugin is and how it works?...

How Narrowing Your Niche Focus Can Expand Your Bottom Line

How Narrowing Your Niche Focus Can Expand Your Bottom Line

In a culture that celebrates doing all the things, the idea of focusing on a niche might seem counterintuitive or even a little crazy. I mean, won't limiting your client base squash your firm's growth potential? The truth is, concentrating on a specific niche, or...

Six Reasons Why Content Is Too Important for Lawyers to Write

Six Reasons Why Content Is Too Important for Lawyers to Write

Content is about the music, not the words. That’s why it is too important to be written by lawyers and other professionals. It’s not that you don’t know your stuff; rather, it’s that you know it too well. As a result, few attorneys understand how to explain something...

Making the Most of Facebook for Your Business

Making the Most of Facebook for Your Business

Facebook for Fun or Business? Most of us have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. We tend to love it for reconnecting with old friends, sharing our news and looking at endless pictures of acquaintances when we are supposed to be sleeping.  But since Facebook has...

How Smart Marketing Will Make Your Sales Efforts Easier

How Smart Marketing Will Make Your Sales Efforts Easier

When you are trying to maintain and even increase your success as a lawyer, word-of-mouth referrals are unquestionably important. While you may interact with your referrals directly through your sales efforts, marketing is also extremely important in the referral...

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