Why is blogging important for professional services firms?

Why is blogging important for professional services firms? Contact Us Video Transcript Terrie S. Wheeler: Blogging is really important, and for some reason it can be like pulling teeth to get professionals to start blogging. But once they do, they realize that because...
Pillar 4: Targeted and Effective Communication Strategies

Pillar 4: Targeted and Effective Communication Strategies

Effective Communication means saying the right thing at the right time. It is difficult for growing firms and solo practitioners to keep up with their marketing and communications plans. An effective and concise marketing strategy can do wonders for them. Through this...

Am I a good candidate for marketing coaching?

You’re a good candidate for marketing coaching services if you’re frustrated with your lack of results. So many professionals that I’ve worked with over the years have great intentions about all of the things they want to do, and then what happens?...

Google Reviews – St. Paul and Minneapolis

Using Google Reviews to Increase your SEO Client-written reviews on Google are playing an increasingly important role in the algorithms that decide where you are placed in the search results. Whether you are a lawyer, accountant, financial advisor, or other...
PSM Marketing