Am I a good candidate for marketing coaching?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_column_text]You’re a good candidate for marketing coaching services if you’re frustrated with your lack of results. So many professionals that I’ve worked with over the years have great intentions about all of the things they want to do, and then what happens? Their reality. Serving clients, emails, sending communications. They get wrapped up in everything that is part of their service delivery model, but not part of their service growth model.

So you’re a good candidate for marketing coaching services if you realize that you’re not quite meeting the revenue goals that you’ve established for yourself. And clients, by osmosis, are not just finding you. That you need to have a strategy that’s going to get you out in front of the right kind of clients and that you’re willing to take advice.

If you are someone who feels like no, I kind of know how everything works, you’re probably not a good candidate for marketing coaching services, because the essence and core of the relationship is after we do the assessment and after we develop a marketing coaching plan, we meet.

I have marketing coaching clients that I meet with every single week, and we’re always moving the ball forward. We get into the sales pipeline. We get into the referral sources. We get into new opportunities that my clients might have to do a presentation or write an article. I tell my clients it’s like having your own personal marketing director. That’s what your marketing coach does for you.

And as a marketing coach personally, I feel this overwhelming responsibility to each of my coaching clients to help them achieve all of the results that we’ve discussed in the very beginning and to make those a reality.

Learn more about Terrie S. Wheeler >[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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